The School Day

Schools begins at 8.50am each morning and ends at 3.20pm. This equates to 6.5 hours per day, totalling 32.5 hours per week.


Reception School Day

8.50-9.10am Morning activties ~ Registration
9.10-9.45am Phonics
9:45-10am Break
10-10.15am Snack & Story
10.15-10.30am Think Equal / Foundation Subjects
10.30-11:35am Learning Area Time
11.45am-1pm Tidy up time
11.45am-1.00pm Lunch Break
1-1.10pm Registration
1.10-1.30pm Maths
1.30-2.30pm Learning Area Time
2.45-3pm Break
3.00-3.20pm Music / Story / Hometime

KS1 School Day 

8.50-9.05am Morning activties ~ Registration
9.05-10.15am Maths
10.15-10.30am Break
10.30-10.45am Phonics
10.45am-12pm English
12-1pm Lunch Break
1pm-1.05pm  Registration
1.05-2.15pm Science / Foundation Subjects
2.15-2.30 pm Break
2.30-3.10pm   Science / Foundation Subjects
3.10-3.20pm  Story / Hometime


We open the doors from 8.50am in order that staff can welcome pupils and families.

Once the doors are opened school staff supervise them to ensure safety.   It provides time for the children to have time to settle before Registration.

Pupils attend three whole school assemblies during the week, including a singing assembly.

The time spent teaching during the normal school week, including Religious Education but excluding the statutory Act of Collective Worship is 23.45 hours.

Great Moor Infant School Southwood Rd, Stockport, SK2 7DG